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Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.  Psalm 90:14, ESV

The whole chapter of Psalm 90 compares God’s power and endurance to the frailty and mortality of man.  As I reflect on these truths, in the context of the “American Dream,” I am struck by the stark contrast of the two perspectives.  Instead of the age old mantra, ‘You can be anything you want to be, if you work hard enough and dream big,’ I am reminded that I have been called to a much higher purpose.

There is absolutely nothing I can accomplish on this earth that will matter for eternity except for ONE THING:

That I pursue God and serve Him first in every facet of my life.

There is nothing here to satisfy me, only cheap imitations.  Nothing to bring me joy.  All is empty and meaningless that comes from this fallen world.  Only the essence of God the Creator can satiate the craving in my soul – only His love, His joy, His peace, the markings of His Spirit, given only by His Hand.  To pursue His Kingdom first is the only path to true happiness.

I am beginning to learn, to understand, how foreign that concept is.  How do I pursue His Kingdom first, above my own pleasure, my own ambition, my own success?  What actions and steps are required of me?

Perhaps, instead of “doing,” I need to stop.  To sit quietly and listen.  To experience communion with my Father, and somehow, learn to carry His presence with me as I face the craziness and chaos of this world.

Scripture guarantees me, repeatedly, that by replacing my striving for success in this world with a pursuit of God and God alone, I too will find the satisfaction and joy that Moses speaks of in his Psalm.  To me, that sounds much better than the empty promise of the American Dream.

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